5 Best Ways to Test Your Learning Style


Discover your unique path to academic success – test your learning style with our comprehensive guide! Explore the 5 best methods, from online quizzes to reflective exercises, and unlock personalized study strategies. Take the first step toward a more engaging and effective learning experience today!

Key Takeaways
1. Test your learning style using online quizzes like VARK and Kolb Inventory.
2. Reflect on past learning experiences to identify preferences and tendencies.
3. Experiment with diverse study techniques, noting what feels most effective.
4. Seek feedback from others, gaining valuable insights from teachers and peers.
5. Pay attention to your surroundings, optimizing your learning environment for success.

Understanding your learning style can greatly improve your study habits and academic performance. Learning styles refer to the ways individuals best process new information and skills. Some common types include visual, auditory, reading/writing, and kinesthetic learners.

Knowing which style you gravitate towards allows you to tailor your studying approach for maximum retention and engagement. While learning styles are not definitive labels, knowing your tendencies can help boost motivation and outcomes. There are various effective ways to test your learning style and preferences.

5 Best Ways to Test Your Learning Style

Earlier, we wrote “5 Importance of Technology in Active Learning” which is also a learning style. In this article, we will explore the 5 best methods to help you determine how you learn best. Discovering your natural style through these techniques can help you become a more self-aware and successful learner.

5 Best Ways to Test Your Learning Style

1. Learning Style Quizzes

There are many online quizzes and printable assessments designed to determine your learning style. Popular options include the VARK Questionnaire, Honey & Mumford Learning Styles Questionnaire, and Kolb’s Learning Style Inventory. These quizzes ask a series of questions about your behaviors and preferences to categorize your likely learning style.

For example, a visual learner may say they prefer charts, diagrams, and images. An auditory learner may say they learn best from lectures and discussions. While these quizzes can provide useful insight, it’s important to remember they have limitations. The results are not definitive labels and may not capture nuances of your individual style. But they can be a helpful starting point for self-reflection.

2. Reflect on Your Past Learning Experiences

Think back to the classes and subjects you enjoyed and excelled at in the past. What about those activities stood out as effective ways for you to learn? Do you prefer lectures, reading textbooks, conducting experiments, or hands-on projects?

Did you learn best by listening to the instructor, seeing diagrams, or actively doing assignments? Reflecting on your past preferences and most successful learning experiences can provide clues about your natural learning style.

3. Experiment with Different Learning Methods


Try out various study techniques and take note of what seems to work best for you. For example, do flashcards help memorize key facts more than outlines? Do you absorb information better when discussing with a study group versus studying alone?

The methods you find most engaging and effective likely align with your learning strengths. Don’t be afraid to try new approaches too – experimenting can reveal unknown preferences!

4. Seek Feedback from Others

Ask instructors, tutors, or classmates what learning style they perceive you as. Their external observations and impressions can offer valuable insight into how you come across.

Open communication and constructive feedback is key – let them know you want to discover your style to improve your learning. Listen with an open mind to these outside perspectives.

5. Pay Attention to Your Surroundings

Note the environments where you feel most focused and able to absorb new material. Do you prefer quiet spaces or ambient noise? Does having visual references or charts aid your understanding?

The settings and circumstances that optimize your concentration and comprehension can provide hints about your learning preferences. Pay attention to subtle factors that impact your performance.

You might also be interested in this list we published earlier “314 Active Learning Techniques for Teachers and Learners PDF Download


Determining your personal learning style can have immense benefits for your education and study habits. By understanding how you best absorb new information, you can tailor your approach for success. While your style may involve multiple tendencies, being aware of your core preferences is key. The methods discussed in this article can help you effectively test how you learn, whether it’s visual, auditory, reading/writing, or kinesthetic.

Try learning style quizzes, reflecting on past experiences, experimenting with techniques, getting others’ feedback, and paying attention to your surroundings. Discovering your natural style through these strategies will empower you to become a more motivated and self-aware learner. Take the time to actively “test your learning style” using the tips provided. Doing so can help unlock your academic potential and make school a more positive experience.


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